From: xdhtml


This is about about a set of C++ libraries for developing web, desktop and, in the future, mobile interfaces. If you are looking for bindings to this libraries, you will find them at


XDHTML is a technology currently under development. Its goal is to provide a way to develop user interfaces which combines HTML and, instead of JavaScript which is usually used with HTML, the C++ language.

Its purpose is also to provide an easy way to customize the user interface without, as far as possible, writing a single line of C++, or even JavaScript.
To reach this goal, besides the way the HTML code is generated, some extra tags and attributes are used. To follow the HTML specifications, extra tags are prefixed with xdh-, and extra attributes with data-xdh-.

The Epeios Meta Mail User Agent implements this technology and acts as proof of concept. As this concepts are not yet fully validated, you will not find a detailed documentation about the XDHTML technology, but you can refer to this application as an example of the below described concepts.


The XDHTML module configuration file has a name which looks like : <app_name>xdh.xcfg, where <app_name> is the application's name.

XDHTML module

The XDHTML related tools (currently xdhcefq and xdhbrwq) have a Parameters section's ModuleFilename entry which had to be set to the path and file name of the xdhtml module (a specially designed dynamic library). More about this can generally be found in the documentation of each application.

XSL root dir

At the beginning of the configuration file, there is a section which looks like :

<xpp:define name="XSLRootDir">
  <xpp:expand select="XSLRootDirHeader"/>

Replace what is between the most inner <xpp:bloc> tag by the absolute path to the XSL root directory of the package (with a final /). It should then look like :

<xpp:define name="XSLRootDir">

where ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO is the absolute path of where you decompress the package, and APP_NAME the application's name.


This tools may also have a Definitions section, and particularly a Definitions/Scripts section and a Definitions/CustomItems section in their configuration file. Don't modify this sections unless you really know what you are doing.


Generation of the interface component in HTML

The HTML code for the interface components is not directly generated by the application. Instead, the application generates an XML tree, which contains relevant data from the application. The HTML is generated by an XSL transformation, following rules given in a XSL file written by the user. This allows, when used with other HTML related technology as CSS, to generate a fully customizable interface.
The XSL files to use to generated this HTML code are defined in the application configuration file.

Before be used for the XSL transformation, XSL files are processed by the XML preprocessor, so you can use its directives. Also, all text between a # marker is considered as an identifier of a text to be translated and replaced (including the #) by the translation. The translations are defined in the Locale section of the application's configuration file. Two # (##) are replaced by a single one (#).

Handling of the 'accessibility' of the interface components

The accessibility of a component (the fact it has attributes like hidden, disabled… set or not) is handled through a set of extra tags and attributes.

One of this extra attribute is data-xdh-cast and its value refers to an id of a xdh-cast tag. This tags have an kind attribute with one of, for example, following values :

  • Hide : elements which refer through its data-xdh-cast attribute to a xdh-cast element with a kind attribute of this value are hidden,
  • Disable : elements which refer through its data-xdh-cast attribute to a xdh-cast element with a kind attribute of this value are disabled,
  • Vanish : a fieldset element which refers through its data-xdh-cast attribute to a xdh-cast element with a kind attribute of this value is hidden, but its content remains visible, unlike what would happen if the hidden attribute of a fieldset element would simply be set to true,
  • Plain : elements which refer through its data-xdh-cast attribute to a xdh-cast element with a kind attribute of this value becomes visible and enabled.

The data-xdh-cast attribute are set by the user during the HTML generation described in previous paragraph. The xdh-cast elements are generated by a XSL transformation on a XML tree generated by the application which contains relevant informations about the application's context, and a user-written XSL file, defined in the configuration file. This gives to the user full control over element's accessibility.

Event handling

The event handler are defined through extra attributes : data-xdh-onevent to define one event handler, and data-xdh-onevents (with a tailing s) to define more the one event handlers. An event handler, called an action, is a C++ callback with a unique identifier. The data-xdh-event(s) contains the event (mouseleave, click…), and the identifier of the action to associate to this event. The event can be omitted, than the default event is used (it's generally the click event).

There exist special predefined actions, such the opening of a file selector. Parameters used by this actions (such, for example, the default file, or the extensions of the files to be displayed in the selector) can also be added.

HTML UI component and JQuery

There are numerous HTML UI components which are based on JQuery. They are usually instantiated by applying to a HTML element some JavaScript code, which is roughly always the same, with parameters which are specific to each component.

To avoid to write this JavaScript code, you can set, for the element concerned by this JavaScript code, an attribute called data-xdh-widget with, for value, simply the component name, and its specific parameters.

If there is a <a href=“…”>…</a> in the HTML code, the link is automatically be opened in another window, even without the target attribute, so you can easily return in the application.

Third party JS components

To improve the interface, you can use some third party JS components. As example, following components are provided :